Crossing Borders
Borders are completely shut down.
Who would have thought this could be a reality in 2020?
I'm not going to debate the rightness or wrongness of closed borders here. There are reasons we do the things we do. It does seem odd to me that the same people who are demonstrating that we reopen the country to the way it was before March are the same people who applaud the closing of US borders.
But that is neither here nor there. Borders are closed in many countries right now, not just the United States of America.
The nature of the world doesn't change. We can build fences and fortresses and walls, but the fact remains:
No matter how deeply we insulate ourselves from the rest of the world, the rest of the world still exists. We are going to meet each other sooner or later.
We share a planet with nearly 8 billion other people.
Sure, we're social distancing today.
But our neighbor is still our neighbor.
I am still my brother's keeper.
Pretending no one lives on the other side our wall doesn't change the fact that they're there. And we're accountable.
We will cross borders again, of this I am sure.
“The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot forever fence it out.”