The Pivot
Part of the struggle is making the pivot.
In a time like the one we are living, the pivot is everything.
Some restaurants have shut down until there is some kind of "new normal." Other restaurants made the pivot. They've created new ways to deliver their food to their fans. They are making the pivot.
Some gyms are closing for an indefinitely. Today, I heard about a Crossfit gym offering online Crossfit training several times a day. The owner of this particular gym said she may never go back. She's making more money with less overhead and greater user satisfaction.
The pivot might be organizational. It might also be personal. Learn something new. Shift your career. Teach yourself a new skill.
When faced with adversity, there will be a pivot. It can happen as now. Or it can happen after you've smacked into an unmoving wall and there's no longer a choice.
There are always more options (even when seems like there are no options) when you make the choice.
Sometimes you move.
Sometimes you stay exactly where you are.