
Leadership is the intersection of character, inspiration, and vision.

Character means the way a leader leads herself. It's integrity, self-care, and grit.

Inspiration is about the way we influence people to action. People follow inspirational leaders without coercion. Authoritarianism isn't necessary.

Vision is the ability to see the change that could be. A visionary leader always leads with imagination and clarity. She leads with outsight and insight.

Nobody is born a leader. These three components are not natural capacities. "Some people just have the right genes!"

Leaders develop.
They develop themselves.
They have mentors.
People and experiences have shaped you to be what you are.
Leaders are intentional with the people they hang out with and the books you read. Leaders proactively learn from their experiences and allow life to build character, inspiration, and vision.

You are the kind of leader you are today because of the choices you've made.

Beginning today, how should you choose differently?


Things to Get Upset About


Motivation and a Warning