Bernie Anderson

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Wintering in Spring

I wonder if this might be a better term than “sheltering in place.”

The season is Spring.
This is supposed to be a time for growth.
And it is a time for growth if you’re a perennial plant, like ivy or a tree. The green shoots and tendrils are evident. New suckers. New leaves. Things are growing.

While perennial plants have looked dead all winter, there has been a lot of activity in the stillness and the cold. The growth has been under the surface. Trees expand their roots. They grow in stability.

There are times of visible, above the surface growth.

There are times of invisible, under the surface, stabilizing. We need both.

Most of us are not growing like the trees and the ivy this Spring. A few maybe. But most are not.

We need time for stabilizing.

Let the opportunity of unexpected, forced stillness in spring 2020 be your opportunity for stability. Grow deep.

At the beginning of each day, you choose your headspace. The stability you gain now (personally, in your business or organization, in your family) will be the foundation you need for growth when your Spring finally does arrive.

Spend your winter in Spring well.
Think stability rather than growth (for now).