Show Your Work

I've been loving me some Austin Kleon over the past few weeks.

His series for creatives is thoughtful, inspiring, and whimsical - with an occassional kick in the seat of the pants.

"Show Your Work" is the one I'm reading right now.

It's alost the counter to Pressfeild's "War of Art" and "Turning Pro." In reality Kleon and Pressfield are saying the same thing from a couple of different angles.

Get out of your head and act like a professional.

Professionals are people who have moved far enough past their own egos that they can embrace being a novice again.

Show your work.
Practice in public.
Trust the process.

This is how it works in the world, creative and otherwise.

This is why there's a daily blog here.
So whether you're publishing poetry on Instagram or photos on Facebook, it's important to hit send.
Before you think it's perfect.

This is how you get better.
It's also people who like the same things find each other.

Forget about being an expert or a professional, and wear your amateurism (your heart, your love) on your sleeve. Share what you love, and the people who love the same things will find you.
— Austin Kleon, Show Your Work

Do Your Due SWOT


You Do You (Especially in COVID-19 Lockdown)