A Single Fantastic Question

Courage, willingness to risk, and confidence are important for each of us today because someday we’re all going to die.

Morbid, yes. But nonetheless true.

Todd Henry’s “Die Empty” is a great read about not letting your best work and calling die with you. Get it out. Be bold, courageous, and creative.

In this book, he says that while asking the question “What would I do if this were my last day on earth?” has some benefit and might be a fun question to ask at parties or team-building weekends, it’s not really a helpful question. For most, if we knew this to be our last day we’d consider throwing off restraints and making choices that are probably not healthy for the long term. (i.e., eat nothing but cheesecake, give away all our money, and jump out of an airplane.)

Here’s a better and more helpful question:

What would you do differently if you knew that what you do today defines the rest of your life?

In other words, from the time you get up this morning until you lay your head on the pillow tonight, you will have someone following you around, recording every action. Every reaction. Every choice and every non-choice. It’s all recorded, evaluated, and goes on your permanent record in the annals of history as the testament of your life.

  • How would you act differently today?
  • What risks would you take?
  • What projects would you start? Or finish?
  • Where would you spend your time?
  • With whom would you spend your time?
  • How would you treat the cashier at the grocery store or your barista at the coffee shop?

Mary Oliver (who did just recently finish her days on this planet) asked,

“Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild, precious life?”

That’s a single fantastic question.


Regard the Complications


Risk Management and Black Swans