Information Dead Pool
Ideas, tasks, meetings, thoughts, concerns, suggestions, and massive amounts of information waterfall across your desk (and your brain) every day. It’s ceaseless and non-stop.
For many, this information cascades into a dead pool of stagnating water that takes the form of an email inbox or a desktop (could by virtual, or could be physical). That pool is where great ideas go to die.
There is a solution. Follow these two rules.
1. Capture everything possible.
Inboxes are great, as long as you don’t have too many. I have a single email inbox, a physical inbox, and I use a utility on my phone (that syncs to all my devices) called “Drafts”. This captures most things cascading over the waterfall.
2. Make a decision about everything.
Whatever comes across your desk (or your brain) you ask a simple question. “What do I do with this?”
You can ultimately do one of three things.
If you can’t do anything — file it away or throw it away. I throw a lot of things away. I don’t have a great filing system.Do it now.
I like the 2-minute rule. If you can finish in 2minutes or less, do it.Do it later.
Put it on the calendar or put it on a list.Delegate it to someone else.
To be clear:
None of this is original with me. I'm not making this up. It’s productivity 101.
But, to be clearer: