Your Brain Is Not Your Junk Drawer


There should be a place for everything, and everything should have a place.

I am sometimes bad at this.
Living in a smaller condo with limited storage space means everything must have a place. (For the record, our “small condo” is larger space than what most of the world has to live in, but I am going by the American standard here.) Sometimes it’s easier to simply put things in an open spot, not in the perfect spot. Renee’ has all our “baking items” together in a cabinet. Currently, the baking supplies space has rice and dried beans, and a few spices placed there for the sake of convenience and not efficiency.

That’s not where those things belong.

We all do the same thing to our poor brains.

Your brain was made for thinking.

For being creative.
For being strategic.
For innovating.

Yet, we keep to-do lists, random ideas and projects, and minor things we need to remember in various parts of the brain.

The brain becomes the junk drawer in your kitchen, full of dead batteries, half-packages of gum, and expired coupons.

That’s not what our brains were meant to do.
Let your brain do what your brain does best.

Write down, clarify, and process everything else.


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