Driving Lessons

My first instruction about margin was when I learned to drive.

My Dad was a good driving instructor. He taught me 10 and 2, check your mirrors, and if you are not breaking the law, you don’t have to panic when you see a State Trouper.

He also taught me two lessons about margin.

You don’t know what the car in front of you will do. Leave space.

Sure. If everyone continues “as they are”, you can pretend to be one of the Blue Angels on the interstate all day. But things never stay “as they are.” People are erratic and do the unexpected. Animals run across the road. Tires blow. Cars break down. Airplanes fall from the sky. (That doesn’t usually happen. But it could happen.)

Allow space. Allow for the unexpected.

Always look for an out.

To this day, I assume the car careening down the opposite lane could miss the curve and come at me. The car flying toward the stop sign preparing to stop on the proverbial dime might forget brake.

How am I going to get out of the way of crazy? Know which lane is clear. Know where the shoulder is. Look for a soft landing.

Allow for more margin than you think you need.

Know where you have an out.

To state the obvious, this post is not actually about driving.


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